Why Sod?

Sod is less work: A Professional sod lawn needs no special care because it is a healthy, mature lawn when installed, whereas a sprigged or seeded lawn requires  years of nurturing to reach maturity. Sod is grown under expert supervision from either top quality seed blends or certified hybrid sprigs. After it’s been installed, just water, mow and fertilize your sod lawn as needed and it will remain a healthy, green carpet of grass, requiring very little maintenance.

Where to use sod: Sod can be installed practically anywhere, even where seeding is impossible or too costly. Sod is often used to stop soil erosion and water pollution on slopes where rain would wash away both seed and soil.

Sod can withstand heavy usage: Sod establishes itself quickly. In a couple weeks, it’s ready for full use. With today’s various blends of hardy grasses, sod is chosen for parks, golf courses and athletic fields, as well as residential homes and business parks.

When to install a sod lawn: Sod has revolutionized the lawn business! Now you can install a sod lawn anytime during the year when the ground can be tilled. There is no need to wait for the “right” season to put in your lawn.

Sod is a good investment: From bare soil to lush, green lawn in just hours – sod is the only way to go and is relatively inexpensive to install. In the few hours it takes to put in your sod lawn, your property value increases significantly and even more in aesthetic value.

A beautiful lawn will increase the value of your home by 5-10%.


Turf VS.Seed Comparison:

Time of year to install Not recommended for Winter or Summer, possible in spring, best in Fall for most areas. Year round installation, even on frozen ground if sod is available.
Soil Preparation Same for all types of lawn installation: Deeply till soil, add necessary amendments and fertilizers, grade and level for smooth surface, remove all debris, lightly pack and moisten.
Water Requirements Highest water needs – Bare soil will dry quickly. Water lightly for 3-4 weeks keeping surface moist, begin to apply 1-inch of water per week after first mowing. Lowest water needs – Water at installation to a depth of 6-inches, then light watering for the next 2-3 weeks. Grass will shade soil and prevent drying.
Uniformity of Coverage Seeding varies, rates, germination times, wash-outs (erosion), traffic, feeding birds and rodents can create spottiness. 99-100% uniformity with use of mature turf-grass sod.
Runoff/Erosion Heavy rains or sloping areas will cause seed, chemicals and silt to wash onto sidewalks and into sewer systems. Little, if any protection for several months. Capable of accepting heavy rains without erosion or damage.
Visual Impact Rough texture and open soil Immediate beauty of a “complete” mature landscape. Increases value of home by 5-10%.
Cost vs. Value High management and maintenance costs, compounded by increased water and chemical applications, as well as delay of use, poor uniformity and visually appealing are trade-offs for lower installation costs Installation costs are offset by added values of timing, usability, uniformity and visual appeal. Reduced maintenance, chemicals and water costs.